Saturday, July 14, 2012

Income Tax

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 
Department of Treasury 
Washington, DC

Sub: Payment of Tax Dues
Dear Sir / Madam,

Enclosed is my 2012 Form 1040, together with payment. Please take note of the attached article from USA Today archives. In the article, you will note that the Pentagon paid $171.50 each for hammers and NASA paid $600.00 each for toilet seats.

Please find enclosed in this package 4 toilet seats (value $2,400) and 6 hammers (value $1,029). This is in payment for my total tax due of $3,429.

It has been a pleasure to pay my taxes this year, and I look forward to paying them again next year in accordance with officially established government values.

Thanking You.

The Satisfied Taxpayer

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