Fathers are special people,
Whom we often take for granted.
We do not give them high praises
Or enough credit.
For all he has done
To provide for his family.
He has done what a man suppose to.
He gives himself unselfishly.
Fathers make many sacrifices,
Just like mothers do,
But do we once tell our fathers,
Father, thank you.
He struggles each day,
To be a hero in his family's eyes.
He is the protector and the provider.
In him is where the strength lies.
Fathers aren't the kind of people,
Who shows their emotions,
But when you look inside his heart,
You know his true notions.
Father's are special people,
In many different ways.
He is what makes a family whole.
We need that now these days.
Fathers are like our heavenly father,
Who sits high above.
We can always depend on him,
To give his undying love.
Main site address is http://www.vinodhemdev.blogspot.com

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